It’s a podcast (audio) and webisode (video)
Wigle Whiskey 101
Their classes fill nearly as quickly as they list them. The Gin is top shelf. Local farmers…Wigle Whiskey supports them. Quality, they’ve got that mastered. I had the chance to speak with Meredith Grelli, Wigle Whiskey co-owner.
8.29.14 Chitchat with Co-Owner of Wigle Whiskey
If you’ve never tasted a Wigle Whiskey spirit you need to get on it! Can’t get to Pittsburg’s Strip District for a bottle? Well, Wigle has a CSA! Phoebe gets the scoop from Meredith Grelli, Wigle Wiskey co-owner (Phoebe likes to call her owner since she enjoys seeing young women in charge). These two talk about gin processing, infused baking and what you can expect to find at their 2 Wigle locations.
I must apologize because I keep calling their Landlocked product a rum. It’s not. It’s a rum-style liquor made of mead, lending to a pleasantly unique flavor profile. Per Wigle Whiskey, Landlocked is their “Pennsylvania interpretation of Rum and to celebrate its region’s prolific apiaries. Made from scratch and pot-distilled from Pennsylvania buckwheat honey, this distilled mead is a uniquely inland approach to island spirits.” Oh, and it’s good!
Wigle uses local grains, herbs and honey to make their products. Really. This is an enthusiastic, passionate group of folks who deliver an amazing product while supporting local producers. The Lavender Bitters, Organic Ginever, Spiced Landlocked and Organic Aged Wheat Whiskey are all favorites.
Be sure to add Wigle Whiskey to your Pittsburg to-do list. You will need to register for their events, tours and tastings well in advance of your visit as they fill up quickly.
wigle whiskey website | twitter |facebook | instagram
Sour Cherry Mash Recipe
Recipe for Gardener Girl Gin Cocktail
Rhubarb Syrup makes a perfect mixer for Wigle Gin
watch it here | listen here via iTunes
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