8.15.14 Jaime K., of Save the Kales (vegan TV show) <– click here to listen
Vegan TV show host of Save the Kales, Jaimie K., visits the Phoebe’s Pure Food’s 2, Weird Hungry Girls podcast! She fits right in for this vegan podcast theme. We talk about Bethlehem VegFest 2014, Jaime’s TV show, what being vegan means to her. We also get the scoop on her vegan kitchen must-haves. If you’d like to see how VegFest 2012 and 2013 went down click through to the posts…and you will leave hungry for August 23rd!
Listen in (by clicking above). Please leave your feedback in iTunes!
You don’t need iTunes to listen in, check out the interview on The People Chronicles.
Tune in on August 19th to hear more of Jaime’s story. I interview her for Pure Food for Thought. We get a little more personal and she shares her successes and the kind of struggles we are have with how to release perceptions of ourselves and those other hold over us! Listen in to hear what she hopes you will learn from her story. The link will be live on 8/19.
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