So many things have been neglected around the house as we are finishing up the last of the large projects (pretty much did a whole house remodel over 2 years and the bathroom was just finished). The small projects are begging for attention.
Today I woke up with paint on my brain. With 2 extra quart size cans from bathroom paint samples that needed something to freshen up I tidied up 2 small pieces. It was funny to me, as I was paining it became very clear to me what color I like around…blue.
Did you know when you are painting and need 2 coats but don’t want to wash your brush between each coat that you can put the brush in a ziplock bag or wrap it in plastic wrap and stick it in the fridge? True.
So, the other project was getting a coat rack up in the base of the steps. Dan helped me out by finding a piece of original trim that I just wiped off and he predrilled the holes. I had saved these crazy looking hooks when we were remodeling. Think they were in a closet.
Next step… filling in the empty wall space. I always keep an empty box at the steps to the basement. As I come across things that not need, they go into that box which eventually makes it’s way to the thrift shop or a yard sale. As I was going through things to fill the box, I came across a stack of dishes that were hung on the back porch a few years ago, before Dan took it over for his woodworking shop. They made a perfect space filler for the stairwell.
Now I’ll share a tip with you but know if comes from a chick who took math over and over again in school…it is the concept that will be helpful, you are on your on with the math.
I measured the space to be used and outlined it on the floor and then filled in the space to determine the placement of plates.
Then it was to the wall… this took a while for me…math and all but I tried my best to measure and mark the spots on the wall with sticky notes.
ta da!
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