Amy Traverso, Senior Lifestyle Editor of Yankee Magazine and award winning author of The Apple Lover’s Cookbook, joins Phoebe for this tasty Vermont Maple Syrup Podcast episode.
Amy visits to talk about a feature story in March/April issue of Yankee Magazine, “Bottling the Magic.” Amy also shares recipes to go along with the story, demystifies the different types of maple syrup and shares tips for baking with maple syrup.
I have a sense that we could talk about maple syrup for quite some time. I know you’ll learn something new about maple syrup in this episode and you’ll be making a grocery list after hearing these recipes.
I want to sneak in a link to my Spiced Maple Nut Granola recipe, featured in the current issue of Berks County Living.
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Yankee Magazine • The online maple syrup story • Tonewood Maple
Whole Wheat Maple Cranberry Scones Maple Affogato Spinach, Feta & Grape Salad with Maple–Soy Vinaigrette Maple & Rum-Glazed Pork Roast
Awesome podcast! Thank you for asking the questions and links to recipes. Will definitely try some of the drinks!