It was the perfect combination… 6 gregarious girls… one shared table, tucked in the back of Say Cheese! restaurant & cheese... first Thursday on Penn Ave… one of first dinner menu nights of Say Cheese!… and one bottle of wine
okay, it was more like…one even planner, graphic/web/hat designer, an author and marathoner, an Australian runner, optometrist runner and me! The perfect place setting of people and the best food.
It was the first time for all of use, except the event planner and marketer extraordinaire. My plan … DUH … basic grilled cheese and tomato soup.
The menu was simple and one-sided, unlike some people we all know. It was not as if one should have to struggle to decide what to nosh … unless … it was one’s first time there. Appetizers, soups, salads, and ‘wiches. We decide to order 3 appies and share. Wish I had photos of all the food. We started with the mac n’ cheese (again, no brainer), cornmeal and lavender crusted artichoke hearts and one other item… what was it???
insert a toast to “cheese”… many laughs…light hearted chitter chatter
then the main dish. I already told you it was the basic for me, tomato soup (less the aioli, it’s a personal thing) in a 1/2 ‘with and cup o soup vs full platter. I love the tomato soup and eve better was scooping it up with my toasty grilled cheese. I am told that if you don’t want the sandwich grilled with butter they can toast it dry.
My tomato soup was amazing. Wait, did I just tell you that? chunky… savory…a hint of cream and just divine. The salted and cheesed chips, homemade.
I will also tell you the other orders that were gobbled up looked amazing. We lost someone to a french onion soup coma. The arugula and peach salad looks heavenly and fresh. The gal next to me ordered the turkey ‘witch and have to tell you, as a turkey snob, that the turkey looked real (not that weird gelish like turkey with fake pink, flesh like coloring).
The pin-up chick is also gluten free. I LOVE that the owners accommodated. She indulged in and thoroughly enjoyed a cheese platter (full explanation of all cheeses) with honey, seedy mustard, onion jam and GF crackers.
da da da duu….
dessert… we tried to resist. Thank you darling Adam! (please note the event planner & marketing goddess hand’s folded in sheer delight)
This, my friends, was the glorious dessert sampler all made in house. We have the cheesecake, cupcake and then… the key lime pie (killer) and dense and rich goat cheese brownie. heaven on a “say cheese!” plate
I was totally impressed with the company and with Say Cheese that evening and now I’m totally impressed with this post.
What a awesome summary of the evening!
you seem very impressionable… 🙂 i can’t recall that 3rd appie..???
That sounds wonderful.
Thanks for sharing, Vivian