Do you think mishaps (food borne illness) commonly happen after eating picnic foods or when cooking at home for loved ones? Andy Hirneisen is a Food Safety Educator with the Penn State Extension Office. He visited the podcast to share helpful food safety tips for this holiday weekend and pretty much all year long.
Got something weird thawing in your sink? Who you gonna call? Andy! Or just listen in to this food safety episode to learn some simple tips to keep your loved ones well-fed and healthy.
Be sure you are subscribed to the podcast, you won’t want to miss the follow-up Sprout Safety and Baking Fails episodes!
Links Andy shared during the podcast are included at the bottom of this post.
Nan Reinert, of Chubby Pickle Farms, was our guest co-host.
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Let us know what you enjoy and would like to hear more of. Thanks for tuning in!
Food Safety Links
Penn State Extension : Home Food Safety
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