Do you think of elderberries as just another bizarre food fad? You just need a warm introduction because they are here to stay. I mean, they have been around for quite some time it’s just recently the are all the buzz. Roger Lenhardt, of Norm’s Farm, talks about elderberries grown on his North Carolina family farm.
I met Roger when we were on the road this past winter. We were vendors at the 12 Days of Christmas Show in Charlotte, North Carolina. The show is full of hundreds of vendors but there is one room that always had my attention, the North Carolina food producers. I left with so many tasty gifts from toffee to strawberry BBQ sauce (yes, and it was so good).
Roger has a great story and a passion for preserving things that matter on the family farm. What he does is very uncommon and unique in the Unites States. Listen in then be sure to visit hi website.
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