What is it
Turns out this locally grown white nectarine, named a zephyr nectarine, is rather good! I first heard of it from my Weaver’s Orchard cooking class helper, Brandon. He said it is one of his favorite fruits but 2 weeks ago it was not ready to harvest. They are ready now.
Zephyrs are brightly colored, pale yellow-fleshed, medium to large sized nectarines. They are best purchased when still firm with a silky skin. Enjoy up to 3 days after picking them.
Where to find it and how much
I know you can get these at Weaver’s Orchard because it’s where I picked up mine. This is the upside of living in an area with many growers and farm markets. Find one close to you and call (better yet, visit) to ask if they are in season. They are right now. So, do something!
Why you want it … or not
The zephyr is super sweet but not like the sweetness of a peach. It tasted like a candy sweet plum but with the texture of a nectarine. These are my taste buds talking.
I love the name, zephyr!
Want it! Maybe from grilling…
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