my neighbor suggested a local farm for strawberries so I was out early this morning. I usually head to Weavers but this time I took the long road and drove deeper into Lancaster County. we had several rainy days this week and I was hesitant about picking. next week will also be rainy and the strawberry season is coming to a close. no time better than the present to pick!
no recipe here, just a beautiful pail of berries! I plan on making some freezer jam using a recipe that is Dan’s favorite… his mother makes the Sure-Jell freezer recipe.
2 cups crushed berries
4 cups sugar 🙁 but this is the way Dan likes it.
3/4 water
1 pack sure-jell
mix the berries and sugar and let it sit for 10 min
bring the water and jell to a boil and stir for 1 minute. add the berries and cook for for approx 3 minutes or until the sugar is dissolved.
put into little containers, cover and let sit out at room temp for 24 hours. freeze.
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