Not mine. Someone shared it with me while I was at Haute on a 100 degree day getting some work done in their AC with an iced soy latte.
Here it is. Amanda said it was okay if I shared this clever idea. (I just love it)
Amanda made stuffed zucchini, for dinner, the previous night. When she cut the zucchini, to fill it, she saved the inside to use for another recipe. She pulled out her mobile phone to share the finished product. Instead of cutting and filling boat style she halved a zucchini into 2 cylinders and filled so they were standing up… like a glass/cup. Clever…
But was super clever was that she took the fleshy part, that she had saved, and made a zucchini cobbler. She mixed a tad bit of sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg, put it in a baking dish, covered with a crumb topping and baked. She said her family didn’t really realize that it wasn’t apple. I suppose if you had a weird, old apple bouncing around in your produce drawer you could add it just for good measure… then when a family member says, “is this apple cobbler” and when you tell them it is, you will not be lying.
Clever Amanda…clever…
btw, this is a photo of her leftover zucchini towers…just in case you thought this is what the zucchini cobbler looked like.
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