All those years ago when I worked in that unhealthy healthcare office and my co-worker finally let loose and told me, “Your heart is so black, I hope I never become as evil as you are!”… I should have said, Yes! Yes, it is and my oh my is it ever so beautiful!
I love these flowers from The Rustic Bunch but this one surprised me this morning. It opened up to reveal a surprising black heart! I did not expect to see such a blackness in such a beautiful flower.
How much do we let the perceptions others have of us (which is never about us but them… and that goes both ways, by the way) become the attributes we use to define ourselves.
Everyone’s gonna have an opinion about you, about me… but it’s our own heart that matters. Our own beautiful, black hearts!
Shel Silverstein
Listen to the MUSTN’TS, child,
Listen to the DON’TS
Listen to the SHOULDN’TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me-
Anything can happen, child,
Is this a true story? How could anyone say that to you? That flower must be new, I’ve never seen one like it.
True story but we’ve all been there, in some way or another. Right. It’s just my way of saying, it’s all good and to embrace ourselves. Reminds me of a Wayne Dyer quote. “Become independent of the good opinion of others.” If we don’t measure our self-worth in a complement we can easily let an insult go, too!
The flower is from local garden girl, The Rustic Bunch. I’ll put some pics on my Facebook page. They start as a tight ball and open then open in gorgeous layers! Ranunculus…
lord help me remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I together can’ t handle.