We love doing these shows. We meet creative vendors with great stories who make for fun company. We also meet the most interesting customers. Cutting it so close to the holiday season keeps Dan very busy and us on the road. Coco and I love when the 2nd week in December rolls by because we finally get Dan back. There are those few demanding customers that need things past the order deadlines but Dan’s “It’s all good” attitude keeps folks happy.
So, here I sit as day 4, of 5, winds down at the Pennsylvania Christmas and Gift Show winds down. The promoters tell us it is the largest Christmas gift show in the US with about 700+ vendors. There is a hodge podge of handmade and China made gifts. We start at 10/9am and finish at 8pm. Needless to say it’s a long day and very busy for Dan.
This year I had a few favorite vendors that I must share with you!
The next gal’s designs are so much fun. I have seen her work at Hello Bluebird in West Reading .
Tami is the owner and designer of Pink Andie Designs . Check out her website because she has a vegan doughnut recipe so you gotta love that! Tami incorporates vintage pieces into her bling. Her pieces are whimsical and just plain fun!
Last, but not least is a glass artisan that we met at a previous show, TJ Gallery Glass
Jennifer and Tom taught me so much about yard game and food. There work is funky and unique! Find TJ Gallery Glass on facebook too!
Jennifer and Tom taught me so much about yard game and food. There work is funky and unique! Find TJ Gallery Glass on facebook too!
I could go on and on about the artist friends we have and have met on road. There are so many connections to make when considering gifts for the holidays or special events in all price points. Please consider buying local when gift giving. Your money is more likely to stay local to support a community when you buy from the artisan you get to meet.
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